English Teacher

Job offers Wanted

Posted by Julie United Kingdom 10/24/2018 9:02:06 PM

Marcus Evans Linguarama is currently looking for experienced business English language trainers to join our team in Rome. Linguarama is proud to work with many of the largest multinational companies in Italy as well as public institutions.
Applicants should have: · At least 2 years experience with adults. · Experience teaching business English. · Native English speakers or certified bilinguals due to the requirements stipulated by our clients. · Willing and able to use computers and other related technology. · A recognised TEFL qualification (i.e. Cambridge ESOL, CELTA, Trinity Cert TESOL or equivalent). · A degree.
Training programmes are in-house or in-company.
We offer support, in-house training and guidance to all our staff and pride ourselves on our positive working atmosphere.
If you would like to find out more or work with us please send your CV and covering letter: julieblint@linguarama.com (Director of Studies) or roma@linguarama.com

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