I am looking for job in Rome, I have several experiences, such as housekeeping, waiter and storekeeping.

Babysitters/waiters/housekeepers Wanted

Posted by Collins Nigeria 4/15/2016 2:11:05 AM

I am collins by name, from Nigeria. Presently in Torino di sangro (Italy). I acquired a diploma certificate in accountacy, I have worked in several organizations and I acquired some skills and experience at large. Basically I am an hotelian, due to my efficiency and hard-working in the industry, I was given a post as supervisor in housekeeping, food and beverage as a waiter and storekeeping. During my food and beverage service, I operate a system as a cashier such as biodox software and IQ software and handling POS (point of sale) by accessing customers payment directly and receiving calls both locally and internationally for making booking and reservation for our valuable quest. Also based on my experience in storekeeping, I decided to use FIFO and LIFO which means first in first out, and last in first out in monitory our stocks in the organization and to provide good availability of materials when needed for consumption. I am looking for job in Rome in other for me to provide a standard of living , and I will be glad if my request is tremendously granted thanks, please don't hesitate to call or mail me, God bless.

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