Trastevere - studio apartment available

Apartments Offered

Posted by Linda Netherlands 5/23/2016 4:03:59 PM

The 32m2 one bedroom apartment is located via della Lungaretta, in the central and very typical area of Trastevere, near the Tiberina island of the Tevere river. The area is charming, full of restaurants but very quiet, since car access is limited. Walking distance from the old Jewish area (Ghetto), Piazza Argentina, Piazza Venezia and Piazza Navona. The studio apartment, composed by a main room with double bed, bathroom and a separated kitchen, for its limited sqm is ideal for one person or maximum a couple; two more other convertible beds, though, can be opened for a total of 4 beds. Completely furnished with a lot of taste, 1st floor walk-up. TV, Wi-Fi, A/C, microwave, washing machine, mosquitoes nets.
AVAILABLE from June 1st, 2016 Minimum stay: 6 months 900 Euros/month + bills
If interested please write to or call 349/1668819

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