Health & beauty Offered

Posted by Gustavo Costa Rica 5/19/2015 12:21:51 PM

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self" - The Bhagavat Gita
Our beautiful & Courageous ZEM Community ... as you often hear me say, one of the most dangerous places we can hang out is inside our familiar comfort zone. So let's come together to challenge ourselves to an exponential growth through regular, perhaps even daily, yoga practice for this dedicated 30-Day-Yoga-Challenge-Month >> By participating in this challenge you'll have a chance to win a 1-MONTH UNLIMITED Yoga Pass @ Zem Yoga Studio!
WHEN: MAY 25 (Monday) to JUNE 27 (Saturday) 30-DAY CHALLENGE PASS: Only €125 (Unlimited Yoga)** TO QUALIFY FOR THE FINAL DRAW TO WIN A MONTHLY-UNLIMITED PASS @ ZEM: Attend at least 4 classes out of the 6-Days the Studio is open (20 Classes in the 30 Days) // The DRAW will occur on July 2nd, in Studio, during our 7:30PM Class.
* Current / Existing MONTHLY Pass Holders can participate in the Challenge & if their MONTHLY Pass expires within the first 15 Days of the Challenge, they can auto-renew their Monthly Pass at a Discounted Rate of €125 to continue the 30-Day Challenge Journey. * 10-Class-Pass Holders can freeze their 10-Class-Pass Expiry Date by 30-Days if they decide to participate in the 30-Day-Challenge.

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