Kid coach/ babysitter in South Rome

Job offers Wanted

Posted by Ally Italy 9/7/2017 11:34:21 AM

Hi guys, we are looking for a babysitter, preferebly male 'cause we have 2 active boys of 3 and 5 y.o. We live in South of Rome, piazza Navigatori and we are looking for a child-loving easygoing person who can arrange games and outdoor activities to learn English in a playful and fun way. We offer an engagement from Mon to Fri 10-20 hours/week depends on your availability. If you live nearby and sometimes can pick up kids from school at 1pm by foot (300m from home) is a plus! Extrahours possible once a week in the evening. Please send your CV to specifying your location, hours/days of availability and we'll call you back for an interview. Thank you

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