Making new friends

Let's get a coffee together Wanted

Posted by Maria Sweden 5/7/2016 6:18:11 AM

Hi there!
I'm heading over to Rome the 22nd of May and I'll be staying till the 18th of June to study Italian.
I'm looking for locals as well as foreigners just like me who loves to meet new people and make new friends! I'm talking getting a cup of coffee together, sit and talk about everything between heaven and earth at a cafe or a bar somewhere, stroll around in Villa Borghese or down Via del Corso, visit museums, visit some of the beautiful Churches, go shopping, enjoy a nice lunch up on Il Vittoriano or at one of the many other places in the city, enjoying live music at a restaurant or bar in the evening etc.
So if you're looking for the same thing as I am or suddenly got interested in getting to know a new person, please send me a message!
Love // Maria

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