Part-time job needed

Job offers Wanted

Posted by Simon United Kingdom 4/4/2018 1:43:52 AM

I will be living in Rome for the Summer from June until the end of August and would like to find a part-time job (English speaking). I have a part-time evening tour guide job already, but this will only be for a few nights per week.
I am looking for, ideally, day-time work, and/or a few nights per week when I am not touring. I would not mind bar work, cleaning, teaching english, baby sitting, serving food and coffee, etc. I have a 1st class BA Marketing degree so can put that to use if anybody needs any promotion or advertising help. I am also very good with social media website, and can manage online business advertising / promotion / presence to attract more customers.
I have already posted this under "offered" but I am unsure whether this is me offering my services or wanting a job, so Im posting under both.
I look forward to hearing from you! :)

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