Looking for writers based in Italy for new Cultural Website

Job offers Offered

Posted by Sav D'Souza United Kingdom 10/2/2014 11:24:34 PM

Hi there,
we are looking for writers based in Italy to write for a new international cultural magazine Just A Platform. http://www.justaplatform.com
we are a start-up the writer position will be unpaid but if you enjoy writing and would like to write about Italy or anywhere else for that matter send us your CV and a little about yourself. sav@justaplatform.com
As we are a start-up positions will be unpaid but if offered a position we will give you full support in writing for an online audience and ensure you have a good online portfolio.
This is a chance to be part of exciting new social international cultural platform. we are currently looking for writers based all over the world as contributors. In the next year we will be developing and introducing a new interactive functionality so writers and members can interact. Wanna be involved in something big?

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