Host me & get english lessons+housekeeping+ babysitting for entire 2 weeks!

Free hospitality & flat exchange Wanted

Posted by Adela Lesotho 10/5/2017 8:01:09 PM

Hello Rome I will be in Rome for an Engineering conference on these dates; 24 Nov to 03-Dec. I am looking for a family/ female individual to host me. I need hosting from 03 Dec for a period of two weeks. In exchange I will be a cheerful company, assist with house errands, give English lessons and help type your English reports/ or be a PA or something...I am Engineering student in South Africa and I love and enjoy travelling and making new friends. I am a Christian. Give me a Sunday morning-off to attend a local church service. I can cook! I can speak basic Italian to go by.
Halla me if interested and I ll be happy to provide any details required.

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