Infant school teacher needed

Schools Offered

Posted by Denise United Kingdom 9/16/2016 10:08:44 AM

A scuola dell'infanzia, Cortina d'ampezzo Roma area - with which I collaborate, delivering Coaching & Empowering Kids Coaching Programmes, is looking for another educator/pre-school teacher (3 – 4 year olds) start immediately to follow a class through a three year cycle. The current teacher is returning to London so are looking for someone who can replace her 1st years through 2nd and 3rd year (you then begin with a new class with a 3 year cycle). The hours are 8.30 – 4.30, working with the Italian educator (two teachers per class – one English – one Italian) Given the type of work, would suit an energetic person used to working with small children. Candidates must be either mother tongue with intent to follow through a cycle or Bi lingual Italians. Candidates must have working permits on going for the period. The net salary for the first year is €950.00 - though could be higher depending on tax regime. Though qualifications in preschool teaching is preferred, the school are open to train the right candidate with other relevant qualifications/qualities. If interested, send CV and letter of interest directly to: Michela Merli info@THE-MICKEYHOUSE.COM Via della Mendola 288 – Cortina d'ampezzo Roma Michela Cell 338 9877030 Scuola 06 89872610 cell: 333 4097655 http://www.THE-MICKEYHOUSE.COM Denise Richardson

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