2 hour full body Ayurvedic Massage, for donation

Health & beauty Offered

Posted by Liz United Kingdom 6/16/2016 3:51:31 PM

I am here in Rome for 2 weeks before I return to Portugal. I am available mornings to offer Ayurvedic massage, which is a full body healing massage, to relax and rejuvinate the body.
Ayurveda is an ancient preventative medicine originating in India. It looks at the entire health of a person and using a variety of techniques including; massage, yoga, herbal therapy, aromatherapy, reiki, diet and environmental changes, it aims to rebalance the health of the person.
The massage I offer is a relaxing and rejuvinating massage. Using oils, inscence and soft music, I create deep relaxation for the body and mind through the senses. Through the technique, the body will relax and expand, opening the systems, releasing tenson on every level.
As I said I am here for only 2 weeks, please get in touch if you are interested or know of anyone who may be.
Thank you Liz

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