Domestic Assistant

Job offers Offered

Posted by Naomi United States 2/19/2018 12:18:59 PM

Family of 3 adults and small dog seeking a happy and positive person to assist us with our elderly mother and household chores. Our mother is in great health and requires supervision during a morning and afternoon walk. Conversational Italian and a commitment of at least one year is required. During the week the hours are 8:00-18:00 with a two hour interval and you must be able to sleep over Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights. Time off is currently all of Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Salary (with work contract) starts at 1,000.00 euros (net) per month but we are happy to increase it if we are happy. We will consider offering room and board after a review period and if all parties are content. Location: Piazza Fiume. Kindly send letter of introduction and relevant experience. send email to:

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