The crazy Italian bureaucracy; registration and identity card Living in Rome

2/18/2010 by Anna Turenko Ukraine

Next step – registration (residenza) and eventually getting the identity card. For this you should head to the Comune di Roma (, closest one to your new home. Be aware that once you apply for a residence the police should to come to check whether you really live there or not (it doesn’t mean someone will actually come though).
If you are not a EU citizen you will need a European insurance card (tessera sanitaria). First of all you have to get registered to a general doctor in any medical centre of your quarter. Then you should go to an ASL office (associazione sanitaria locale – local health association); depending on your residence it would be office A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H. You have to bring information about your registration, your doctor’s name and your residence permit (sometimes it is enough to have Ricevuta – certificate from the Immigration office that you have applied for a residence permit). Together with Tessera sanitaria you will get a fiscal number (codice fiscale) – without one you won’t be able to work, study and manage your taxes.
If you are a EU citizen and already have an insurance – go to the Agenzia delle entrate (sort of the tax office) to get the fiscal number. In fact, you can do it online (, but in this case you won’t be registered in the official database.
If you are lucky enough to get all these documents on the first try – this is it: you are officially living in Italy, working or studying and getting a medical help in case you need it. If you are less lucky and have troubles with getting something you have all the rights to get – just be patient. “Relax, take it easy” – this song of the Lebanese-British singer Mika is very topical in this case.

Anna Turenko Ukraine

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