Social Media Evaluator - Italy

Job offers Offered

Posted by Edione Australia 9/4/2018 6:00:20 PM

Do you love social media and want to influence how we interact with technology? As a Social Media Evaluator with Appen you have the opportunity to provide feedback on news feeds, advertisements and search results. Your ideas have a direct impact on the services and content from social media sites that we use every single day.
You Might Fit This Role If:  • You are looking for a flexible work opportunity where you contribute to projects and grow your skills • You are an active and engaged user on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram • You enjoy working independently • You want to do internet-based work from home
Work Schedule: • Social Media Evaluator positions are part-time (up to 20 hours per week) and highly flexible • The usual position requires 1-4 hours of work per day, 5-7 days a week
Minimum Qualifications: • Currently living in and legally permitted to work in Italy • Access to a computer with a sound card and speakers, and/ or access to a smart phone that is less than three years old • Access to a secure high speed internet connection and quiet non-public workspace • Good English writing skills • Ability to work with applications, troubleshoot software, and execute instructions independently

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