Looking for Italian native speaker in Rome on TUESDAY 11.02.2020 to "act" a scene for German television

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Posted by Carina Germany 2/8/2020 2:04:48 PM

Dear all,
my Name is Carina and I am working as an Editor for a German TV production Company. Next week we are going to shoot some small Clips in Rome for our Kids quiz Show for the public boradcaster KiKA (ARD/ZDF).
For this shooting we are still looking for a nice person (female) who can help us out with a very short scene in which the she explains to our host how to pronounce Gnocchi correctly.
Why all this? We are going to ask a quiz question on the pronounciation of the word "Gnocchi". To reveal this quiz question we want to an Italian native speaker to explain the correct pronounciation to our host, like: "I see you are wondering how to pronounce the word correctly? It is Gnocchi!" That would it be already :) Two or three sentences.
We already had organized an acting student acting this short Scene, but unfortunately, she cancelled last minute.
If you know anyone who has time on Tuesday, 11.02.2020 around 3.30 and 4.30pm, we would be very happy if you contacted us! :) The filming will take place in Rome and we will pay a little expense allowance, of course.
My email adress is: carina.kroeger@bavaria-entertainment.de

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