Schools Offered

Posted by Koiné - Italian Language Centre In Rome Italy 4/17/2019 5:44:17 PM

📅 When: May 6th - 12 WEEKS - on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
🔴 What: If you don't have much time to attend a morning course or you work hard during the day, this is the right and the cheapest option for you! TRY A LESSON 4 FREE!
📧 How: http://www.koinecentre.com/en/contacts/
Why: http://www.koinecentre.com/en/why-koine/
Where: Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 48 - 00184 Roma
💰 PROMO with the code FRIENDSINROME: 5% OFF
❗ Koiné Centre is CELI & PLIDA TEST CENTER, Recognised respectively by the University for Foreigners of Perugia and Dante Alighieri, by the University for Foreigners of Siena as DITALS Teacher Training Center; ANILS, FIDEF, ILSA, ISIC, IYTC, ITIC member.

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