Babysitting (available at any time including last-minute requests)

Babysitters/waiters/housekeepers Wanted

Posted by Amira Malaysia 1/21/2020 1:50:56 PM

Hey everyone, I'm a 26-year-old filmmaker based in London where I've been living for the past 5 years. I am currently living in Aventino until March to be with my family; my father is Malaysian while my step-mom is Italian. While I enjoy my time here, it would also be great if I could find a part-time/freelance job.
I am great with children and have a lot of experience in playing/taking care of them. I am sensitive to their needs and diligently follow instructions. I am free at any time of the day including weekends and is open at last-minute requests. ENGLISH IS MY MOTHER TONGUE! I am a positive, easygoing and responsible person. Besides babysitting, I am also able to handle other things like running errands etc.
Please feel free to contact me at

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