Italian language teacher

Private lessons - Languages Offered

Posted by Francesca Italy 2/18/2019 8:18:05 PM

Hi there! am italian but have been living in Ireland, UK and Portugal for many years. I have a degree in Italian Literature and Grammar in Rome at La Sapienza University (and also a Certificate in Music studies at Goldsmiths College in London, I am a guitar teacher too, I studied Music in Rome at the St. Louis school and Scuola di Musica di Testaccio for ten years).
I have been teaching Italian in Rome and in London, working for two schools and agencies in London (Pimlico area) teaching Italian to groups and one to one, privately and through these schools ) .
I worked as a journalist for years (mainly writing about music) ("traditional arranged" magazine and radios, reporting/travelling for folk festivals, reviewing cds and gigs, and interviewing artists. I write my radio show every week and also published a Novel.
I teach at my place, have books and material, lessons one to one 15 euros per hour .
4 lessons paid in advance 50 euros
drop me a line :)

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