Evening Italian Language Course for Absolute Beginners

Schools Offered

Posted by Enrico - Kappa Language School Italy 5/2/2019 6:01:20 PM

Living and working in Rome is an extraordinary experience, but it is even better if you enjoy it while being able to speak the language! Our evening courses are specifically devised for those who cannot attend during the day and are in need of an effective and professional tutoring in a warm and relaxed environment.
Join our Evening Italian language course, starting on October 1st and taking place every Tuesday and Thursday from 7pm to 9pm. Super-duper price: 244€ for 40 hours (10 weeks) of classes, enrollment fee and learning materials included!
Click to book and #learnItalian with us: https://store.kappalanguageschool.com/en/product/promo-20-for-evening-italian-course-from-september/

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