Large luminous room in Flaminio area

Rooms Offered

Posted by Patrick Ireland 10/17/2021 9:30:26 AM

Large luminous room with high ceiling and marble floors in listed palazzo in Flaminio area. Flaminio is one of Rome's most pleasant areas, but also surprisingly close to the historic centre and Piazzale Flaminio metro A stop which are rapidly reachable by a frequently running tram (n°2). Located next to major bus hub for connections to most of the city and close connections to Prati, Vatican City, Trastevere, Camilluccia, Cassia, Sapienza Faculty of Architecture. All basic facilities available close by, food market, pharmacy, post office, gym, bars, restaurants, wine shop etc. and within short walking distance from MAXXI museum, Auditorium, Foro Italico and cycling track. Double bed plus big sofa, one big wardrobe and two chests of drawers, one mirror and a table. Tall window with very nice green view facing the river, sunset side. Full bathroom with tub and shared kitchen. Friendly atmosphere with an emphasis on mutual respect. Wireless internet, non-smokers. Pictures of the room available on request. €500 all included

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