Hi, I'm looking for an English mother tongue part time baby sitter in Rome.
Hi everybody, I'm urgently looking for an English mother tongue (only) baby sitter for my two kids of 6 and 9 (a boy and a girl), Mon-Fri 16.00-18.30. We live near corso Trieste / viale regina margherita. Job consists mostly in picking them up from school and playing at home with them, or accompanying them to sports and back home - no car required! If you are interested in the job, please feel fre...
Hi everybody, I'm looking for an English speaking mother tongue baby sitter for my two kids of 6 and 9 (a boy and a girl), Mon-Fri 16.00-18.30. We live near corso Trieste / viale regina margherita. Job consists mostly in accompanying them to sports and back home - no car required! If you are interested in the job, please feel free to contact me! Cristina...
Hi, I'm looking for an English mother tongue baby sitter (4pm-7pm) for my two children (4 and 8 years old). We live in Salario-Trieste. If interested please contact me....
Hi, I'm looking for an English speaking part time (4pm-7pm) baby sitter for my two children, who are 4 and 7 years old. We live in quartiere Trieste. If you are interested, would you contact me? Tks!...