FriendsInRome is the leading international social group in Rome
that organizes many social and cultural events with the aim of encouraging
interaction between Italians and foreigners who visit or live in Rome.
It all starts online and then moves into the real world.
Italian childhood friends Francesco Grisafi and Simone Buonamico driven by their curiosity about foreign cultures began to meet some expats in Rome to practice other languages and drink a glass of wine after work. Their enthusiasm grew from there and so soon after they come about the idea to share their love of their fantastic city with a wider international community..... and so in January 2008 FriendsInRome was born!
Today FriendsInRome has grown to become a well-known social, cultural and networking organisation in Rome. With over 10.000 registered users and through its many social and cultural organised events it has fostered a greater socialization between Italians and foreigners.
There is no barrier of age and skin color in FriendsInRome!
FriendsInRome is truly an international affair welcoming all nationalities in Rome to join in. Although many people who regular participate in FriendsInRome are European and North Americans interest from people from South America and Africa has been steadily growing. The majority are from the 25 - 40 age groups but it's quite normal to see people ranging from 20 to 50 getting on famously at FriendsInRome events.
Many of the people who attend events are in Rome to study or to work in multi-national companies, embassies, institutions, international organizations like FAO, WFP and language schools.
If you are a foreigner who lives in Rome, or are just visiting Rome for a few days, FriendsinRome can help you by:
So if you are up for enjoying the real Rome read more about How it works and Join Us for free!
Simone e Francesco
FriendsInRome è il più importante gruppo internazionale a Roma che organizza numerose iniziative socio-culturali con l'obiettivo di favorire la socializzazione tra italiani e stranieri che visitano o vivono a Roma.
Francesco Grisafi e Simone Buonamico, italiani e amici d'infanzia, spinti dalla loro curiosità per le culture straniere hanno iniziato ad incontrare alcuni expats a Roma per praticare altre lingue straniere e bere un bicchiere di vino dopo il lavoro. Entusiasti della loro iniziativa hanno deciso di ampliare la loro organizzazione per condividere l'amore per la loro fantastica città con una comunità internazionale più ampia . e così è nato FriendsInRome nel gennaio 2008!
Oggi FriendsInRome è cresciuto fino a diventare un gruppo ben noto a Roma, con oltre 10.000 utenti registrati e attraverso i suoi numerosi eventi sociali e culturali ha favorito una maggiore socializzazione tra italiani e stranieri.
Non c'è nessuna barriera d'età e di colore della pelle a FriendsInRome!
La maggior parte delle persone che partecipano a FriendsInRome sono europei
e nordamericani, ma è in rapida crescita l'interesse mostrato
da sudamericani e africani. La maggioranza ha un'età compresa
tra i 25 e i 40 anni ma può capitare spesso di vedere persone
di 20 e 50 anni parlare piacevolmente insieme.
Molti si trovano a Roma per motivi di studio o per lavorare in società multinazionali, ambasciate, organizzazioni internazionali come FAO o WFP e scuole di lingue.
Se sei uno straniero che vive a Roma, o un turista che è venuto a Roma anche solo per pochi giorni, FriendsInRome può aiutarti a:
ÿ l>Quindi se non vedi l’ora di vivere la vera Roma leggi come fare su How it works ed unisciti al nostro gruppo gratuitamente su Join Us!!
Simone e Francesco
FriendsInRome est le groupe international le plus important à Rome. Nous organisons de nombreux événements socioculturels dans le but de favoriser la socialisation entre les Italiens et les étrangers qui visitent ou résident à Rome.
Francesco Grisafi et Simone Buonamico, italiens et amis d'enfance, poussés par leur curiosité pour les cultures étrangères, ont commencé en premier lieu à se réunir avec quelques expatriés à Rome pour la pratique d'autres langues en buvant un verre de vin après le travail. Enthousiastes au sujet de leur initiative, ils ont décidé d'agrandir leur organisation afin de partager l'amour pour leur fantastique ville avec une communauté internationale ... FriendsInRome ainsi est né en Janvier 2008!
Aujourd'hui FriendsInRome s'est élargi pour devenir un groupe très connue à Rome, avec plus de 10.000 utilisateurs enregistrés.
Il n'existe pas de barrière de l'âge ni de la couleur de peau pour FriendsInRome!
La plupart des personnes participant à FriendsInRome sont des Européens et des Nord-Américains, mais il ya un croissant intérêt manifesté par des Sud-Américains et les Africains. La majorité a entre 25 et 40 ans, mais on trouve beaucoup d'amitiés qui se lient entre des gens de 20 et 50 ans.
Les participants proviennent de différents horizons, ils sont à Rome pour étudier ou pour travailler dans des sociétés multinationales, des ambassades, des organisations internationales comme la FAO, le PAM et écoles de langues.
Si vous êtes un étranger qui vit à Rome, ou un touriste qui vient à Rome, même pour quelques jours, FriendsInRome peut vous aider:
Donc, si vous ne pouvez attendre de connaître la vraie Rome, vous pouvez vous renseigner sur la façon dont marche notre site grâce à la fonction How it works rejoindre notre groupe gratuitement sur Join Us!
Simone e FrancescoRome is one of the most fascinating cities in the world but socialising in Rome can be very hard at times, especially for foreigners that have just arrived, so we've made it easy to make friends in Rome with an international crowd.
First of all you can join our wonderfully multi-cultural events, a place where Italians and people from all nationalities come together to share their experiences in interesting, fun and social gatherings. Part of the FriendsInRome philosophy, that underlies events, is the facilitating of new friendships and opportunities for people to share their different cultural experiences in a very relaxed and informal environment.
Examples of FriendsInRome cultural and social events:
The FriendsInRome website is a great place to start. It has lots of interesting and useful information about Rome and Roman culture and also acts as a great place for people to post ads and interact on the forums. Whether it’s language exchange, jobs, housing, classes or just socialising or chatting about things you like the FriendsInRome website is ideal for your needs. You can also organise your own "Going Out" by posting a message with your event idea.
Friends Ambassador
Friends Ambassador
Tour Guide
Tour Guide
News Editor
News Editor
News Editor
News Editor
News Editor