How to find work in Rome? Living in Rome

4/15/2011 by Margarita Millere Latvia

You decided to find work in Rome. What should you do? First of all, like in a normal job-searching process, you have to decide: what are your ambitions, experience and skills; what kind of work would you like to do; whether your abilities meet your wishes, and if not, how can you compensate.
If you speak Italian language, the work-finding process is easier, as you can go to the agencies, ask Italian friends, or even get an advice from your landlord. In case when your Italian is quite limited, you have two options: spending time on improving your Italian, or searching for a work, where Italian language is not very essential, for example, baby sitter, receptionist in a hotel, work in an international organisation. Or combine both – doing some work while improving your Italian.
Also you should decide what the minimum requirements towards the future employer are, including the minimal salary you are ready to work for. After you have answered to all these questions, you can start job-searching process.
First of all, if you have a particular company/organisation on your mind where you would like to work – go straight to their website and search for a link “careers/work with us/ collabora con noi/ lavora con noi”, usually you can see it straight away or it could be hidden under “about us” section. Second, depending on type of job you are looking for, you might want to have a look on specialised media (newspapers, magazines, websites) for the sector you are interested in. This article is more focused on e-media, so for example, for tourism sector it is:, fashion sector:, NGO sector: Please share in comments any other sector – related website you are familiar with.
And last, but not least, some websites where you can find vacancies: – good website with well-organised searching tool – here you can find some qualified positions, – these websites are good if you use specific searching word (E) – agency, specialising on middle level personnel, usually with a degree, easy application tool – various, however not very qualified jobs (E) – various job advertisements for English-speaking audience, leading are the English language teachers. (E) – similar to wantedinrome, however less ads for language teachers. (E – adverts in English) – here you can find more private ads, like baby-sitter, language teacher, housekeeper etc. (E) – some limited, but interesting adverts Some other websites:,,
Please note that in many of these websites you can register and sign up for a mailing list, which will make your job-searching process easier, as vacancies will arrive straight into your inbox. Also do not forget some other places, where you can look for jobs, for example: advertising boards in the university, public places, newspapers, magazines etc. (you can continue this list in the comments).
Good luck and let us know about your successes! =)

Margarita Millere Latvia

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