CHIT-CHAT: The friendliest way to improve your language skills

Italiano, English, Español or Français, FriendsinRome wants to talk to YOU!

Do you want to improve your language skills in a relaxed and friendly setting with mothertongue teachers ready to help and guide you?
Held every Tuesday at N'IMPORTE QUOI, FriendsInRome Chit-Chat will be a chance to perfect your Italiano, English, Español or Français skills through discussion of current affairs, life in Rome and many other topics and an opportunity to ask a native speaker about the little language problems you just can't seem to shake!
Choose the language you like and practice it with a mothertongue teacher in a friendly conversation group while drinking a glass of wine.
And of course you'll get the chance to socialise with your fellow FriendsinRome language learners over a drink and nibbles!
When? Every tuesday (martedì), at 7.45pm
Where? In Paris people it’s 'salon de thé', in London 'bookshop coffee' and in Rome we call it 'libreria-caffè'. N'IMPORTE QUOI is the new space in the heart of the lively and colourful ex Jewish ghetto, where you can enjoy cocktails, literature, art and music in an atmosphere that rhymes and resonates with people looking to meet new people and open to discovering different cultures through interacting with like minded individuals.
Why? Come along, have fun, be social and learn something new!
How much? 12 euro (1 hour conversation, 1 drink and snacks included)


Time and Place
  • 4/27/2010
    Via Beatrice Cenci, 10 (Rome) View Map
  • Francesco: +39,329-1676317 Simone: +39,339-3862990

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