Summer Sublet On Enchanting Agriturismo - Rome

B&Bs/vacation rentals Offered

Posted by Steve United States 6/4/2018 11:04:34 PM

Ciao All,
I'll be in the mountains all summer and I'm looking for someone to sublet my apartment. I live on an agriturismo two kilometers from the Olgiata train station. You can check out some pictures of the property by following the link below:
furnished, 1 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, living room, high speed internet.
Well manicured gardens. Huge outdoor seating area for relaxation or entertaining guests and groups. Swimming pool and large barbeque.
800 Euro / month + electricity prorated for June. Pay onsite owners July 1st and August 1st. Water, hot water, gas and internet included.
Please let me know asap if you or somebody you know may be interested. Grazie!!!

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