Big bright room

Rooms Offered

Posted by Dani Italy 5/23/2019 5:57:33 PM

Hi everybody, My flatmate (Marco, 35, pub's owner) and I (biologist, 31) are searching for a friendly person to share our clean and comfortable apartment, that is made of a total of 3 single rooms, 1 bathroom and a completely equipped kitchen, where we sometimes spend time cooking and overall eating! We offer a bright (III floor) and large single room (22mq), with a double bed and other furnitures... 😊 The flat is about 5' from Tiburtina Station, and 7-8' from Sapienza Uni. There are many bus lines at about 200mts ---> lines 211, 163, 309, 544, 111, nocturne bus N2. There is a supermarket at 50mts, a gym, some good bakeries and restaurants ;) 450 all inclusive If u want some infos&fphotos write me ur email address thank u for ur interest all the best, Dani

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