Pro Audio Mastering

IT/media/photo Offered

Posted by Mauro Italy 4/12/2022 11:30:41 AM

Hi, I offer professional service at cheap prices for Mastering service for any streaming plattform on the web, or for demo CD. We can exchange files online, I can give to you all the tips to prepare correctly your mix to be ready to be mastered at the best level. Give me a couple of reference songs you take as a model for your song, and any indications about how you would like your song sounds, wich the dominant elements, what in particular like of the reference, and so on... I can master the entire song and I can send to you free of charge a part (60 seconds about) to value the results. If you are happy with the work, you will pay to me via paypal and then i can send to you the entire mastered song ready for the platform/medium you choose. To value the work I suggest to compare to more than one kind of audio listening systems (home, pc, earbuds, car,..) together with the reference song you choose. I offer professional services for mixing and postproduction as well, thanks also to my contacts with excelent freelance musicians (for acoustic piano and guitar as well, not only Rock or other electric/electronic music), with a 80% ITB and 20% OTB as workfloww. I am a Physics, Singer, composer for keybords, guitar and drums, studied an Accademic Master of Sond Engennering in Rome, more than 70 live music as frontman, several other collaborations in particular works wit RAI and Ennio Morricone in Rome, Paris and Arena di Verona, Opera of Cairo Theatre in Egypt, ect.., just for my brief curricula description. Best Music :-) Mauro

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