Private lessons - Others Offered

Posted by Alessandra Italy 1/8/2019 10:20:33 AM

Join our HandMade italian Pasta classes! Make new friends and learn how to cook the real italian handmade pasta from a professional Chef!
We will welcome you with a drink in our inner garden between roman old style building in the charming district of Montesacro, not far from the city center. We will know each other better while drinking some Spritz or wine and then Chef Federico will introduce you in the classroom where every one will have a single station with all the necessary to prepare handmade pasta. Chef Federico will teach you how to choose the best ingredients and how to create these typical italian dishes according to the real tradition and the most professional schools. You will be followed individually step-by-step until you will cook your own creation in the kitchen. Then we will enjoy the dinner all together, talking, listening to some music and having fun!
For info and reservation:

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