• AndrewItalyIT Italy
    communication, interests, travel, friendship, languages, etc....

  • Antonio Italy
    Romano ,57 yo, vorrei conoscere persone simpatiche per migliorare il m...

  • Piermarco Italy
    Sono uno scrittore e storico dell'arte, amo lo sport e la vita all'ari...


from Italy 25 - 34

Registered 10/19/2019 4:45:56 PM

Born and Raised in Rome

English Mothertongue Babysitter

Private lessons - Languages 10/19/2019 4:49:38 PM

Hi everyone! I am looking for an ENGLISH MOTHERTONGUE who can spend 3 hours for 2 times a week with a 1 year's old babygirl. she lives near porte di roma, close to via della bufalotta. the salary would be 15 euros per hour. let me know if you're interested! thanks a lot!...