
from United States 25 - 34

Registered 7/1/2021 9:48:56 PM

29, born in Miami, I have experience tutoring English in Madrid, Spain and North Carolina

Searching for a room not too far from the center. Cerco una stanza!

Rooms 7/1/2021 10:02:52 PM

Hi, About me: I'm a 29 year old female professional from Florida. I need to rent a from August until the winter. I am in a language course in Monti. My budget is around 500 euros. Please send me a message if you have anything available....

English Lessons by Native English Speaker

Private lessons - Languages 7/1/2021 9:53:06 PM

Ciao a tutti, Sono steph, 29 anni, dagli estati uniti. HO ESPERIENZA TUTORING ADULTI E BAMBINI IN INGLESE. MANDAMI UN MESSAGGIO! GrAZIE!...